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Food Frenzy


Hiya! I'm Liz and I love finger lickin' good sweets. Eating fall/festival dishes are my favorite, especially when it comes to sharing at family gatherings.


Thank you for jumping onto my website. I have 4 recipes that you should check out and try making these decilious deserts and foods yourself!


I love watching Great British Baking Show on Netflix. The creativity behind it always inspires me to make more art and get to cracking down on my projects. On the side, my grandma, who is a fabulous cook, is teaching my sister and I homemade dishes! Hopefully one day we can get close to the high tier of those incredible competitors.




Funny Quotes

If we are what we eat... Well, I am awfully sweet!

Bakers gonna bake!

I eat cake because it's somebody's birthday somewhere.


My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." ~ Forrest Gump